


Houses built for orphans


Corporate development project


National leadership forums


Hostels for elderly widows built



Some of our Achievements

Besides Organizing the national leadership forum, the Unity Club spearheads multiple projects that represent the values it stands for (unity, family, etc.)

Parenting and caring for orphans

2017 07 03

Unity Club, in partnership with responsible Government institutions, provided material, moral and emotional support to vulnerable children, especially children in orphanages. Following the Government policy to phase out orphanages, Unity Club undertook to sensitize and support the community to foster those children in their families... Children who had grown up in institutions and became adults were given their own homes and supported to be self-sustaining.

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Caring for widows and widowers, especially those whose families were decimated (Intwaza)

2017 07 29

To date, Unity Club has remained close to, and advocates for widows and widowers. However, as time goes by many of these survivors are aging and sickly with no family member to take care of them, Therefore, Unity Club put in place a program to take care of them through provision of shelter, health care and other forms of social assistance, so that they live in dignity and grace.

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Trust and good relationship among leaders

2024 07 27

Unity Club Intwararumuri initiated good relationships among the leaders through organizing national leadership forum and preparing social activities for members to maintain their cohesion and team spirit and express solidarity to one another. This is an ongoing process.

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Restoring Rwandan identity and promoting unity among Rwandans

2024 07 27

From the onset, Unity Club was formed with the aim of contributing to restoring national identify. The process involved campaigns, dialogue forums (National leadership Forum) and other programs that were aimed at creating awareness around the necessity of unity as a cornerstone for sustainable development. These initiatives were consolidated into a structured program known as “Ndi Umunyarwanda”- “I am Rwandan”.

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Recognition of exemplary Promoters of Unity

2024 07 27

Unity Club created a Unity Award to recognize exemplary achievements in promoting unity. The first recipient of Unity Award was H.E. Paul Kagame for all his efforts to re-unite Rwandans. Subsequently, different community-based associations and “Abarinzi b’Igihango” were awarded. Abarinzi b’Igihango”, or preservers of the pact of unity, is ordinary people doing extra-ordinary things. They are living testimonies of the power of unity in changing their lives and the lives of their neighbors for the better.

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Encourage adoption of Unity Club philosophy

2024 07 27

In order to mainstream and sustain the principle of accountability and continuity in leadership “once a member always a member”, Unity Club in collaboration with local government leaders, established Unity Forums at District levels.

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Integrated development models

2024 07 27

Unity Club Intwararumuri has implemented a corporate development project in Nyamagabe district, in Cyanika Sector where it has built; the Genocide Memorial site, renewed Schools, and built a Community center called “ ISANO ISHAMITSE UBUKIRE’’. Wherever Unity Club implemented projects/programs, it made sure the surrounding communities benefited directly or indirectly from socio-economic activities, but more importantly in strengthening unity and reconciliation among themselves.

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Support enhancement of women empowerment and gender equality

2024 07 27

Unity Club has engaged different women networks at national level and local Government levels with aim of mentoring and empowering women in leadership (Example; Rwanda Women Leaders network, New faces new voices).

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Promote “Rwandan Spirit” among the youth

2024 07 27

Through their engagement on themes related to Rwandan Identity. Unity Club started the dialogue in higher learning institutions aimed at setting up a forum for exchange of ideas to promote and strengthen the “Rwandan Spirit” among the youth.

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More About Us

Who We Are

Learn about the Unity Club's story, Vision and Mission and, the Club's Uniqueness.

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Our Structure

Learn about the organs of the Unity Club, members of the executive committee and the different commissions that are part of the Club.

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Our Objectives

Learn about the objectives and driving force of the Unity Club.

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Our Terminologies

Learn about the different terminologies used when addressing the different members and beneficiaries of the Unity Club.

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© 2024 Unity-Club
Developed by Awesomity Lab